Staffing Jobs on the Rise in June

According to ASA’s Staffing Index
Weekly Report:
Jun 7–13, 2010
During the week of June 7–13, 2010, temporary and contract employment increased 1.96%, pushing the index up one point to a value of 90.

At a current index value of 90, U.S. staffing employment is 30% higher than the level reported for the first week of the current year and is 25% higher than the same weekly period in 2009.

The staffing industry jobs have been growing more rapidly than private sector jobs since April. When asking ourselves why, we find that the answer is in our own pitch. For decades we’ve been educating our clients that the use of a temp or contract worker during peak seasons is easier and less expensive then hiring directly.

During the recovery of our economy, it is likely that business will pick up, but not enough to rehire the staff who’ve been layed off. In this situation hiring a short term employee through an agency will help process the additional work load, but not committ you to a long term employment relationship. If things slow down again, you can end the assignment.

Using an agnecy can also help the hiring process when it is time to fill those positions left empty by the recession. When business improves you will be busy, and yet you want to have time spent determining the best person for your staff. Working with a recruiter will give you the peace of mind that the position is being filled with the best available candidate.

When you are ready to re-fill your staff, look to a WRC Certified, ASA Member, staffing company to find the person that will fit with your company and meet your goals. In the San Diego area we hope you’ll cosider XL Staffing.

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